Monday, 18 July 2016

Pausing your Zivno! (Yes, you don't have to cancel it!)

One alternative option to cancelling your zivnostensky list is to pause it! It's exactly as it sounds. If your'e going to not be using your zivno for a while (a few months, a year, not quite sure), you can take a few papers down to the office and pause it.

You will need:

-Passport/ID (bring your visa booklet if you have one)
-Zivno information (for reference)
-Paper from the Social security office showing you have no debt.

Take all three with you to the Zivno office where you registered. They will go through their system and pause your zivno for whatever length you would like. If they do not ask, ask them to de-register you for the social security office, etc. This will put you off the hook for the monthly payments!

Theoretically you could do this for short periods, like 1-2 months, but you will have to re-register yourself for social security and taxes each time.

Once the process is finished they will send notification to your address to confirm it.

It is recommended to check back with the other offices (social security, etc) just in case there was a miscommunication along the way.

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